论文题目 |
所有作者 |
发表/出版时间 |
发表刊物/论文集 |
刊物类型 |
Industrial digitization and synergy between pollution and carbon emissions control: new empirical evidence from China |
易扬(学),程睿文(外),王昊宇(外),易明,黄英杰(学) |
2023-01-01 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
新发展格局下战略性矿产资源产业链供应链安全内涵及指标体系研究 |
徐德义,王迪(学),李军辉(学),毛羽(学),朱永光 |
2023-01-01 |
华中师范大学学报.自然科学版 |
T5(社科) |
高质量发展理念下湖北省城市土地利用绿色效率 测度及优化 |
黄珂,张婷(外),刘江宜,李会琴 |
2023-01-01 |
生态经济 |
T5(社科) |
Towards a decoupling between regional economic growth and CO2 emissions in China's mining industry: A comprehensive decomposition framework |
李咏麟(学),左芝鲤(学),程跃(外),成金华,徐德义 |
2023-01-02 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
Economic growth, natural resource rents, and business openness nexus in regions and income levels of Africa: evidence from recent panel estimators |
Jean Pierre Namahoro(学),吴巧生,苏慧(学) |
2023-01-03 |
Mineral Economics |
T3 |
How Does the Digital Economy Affect Carbon Emission Efficiency? Evidence from Energy Consumption and Industrial Value Chain |
张尧 |
2023-01-09 |
Energies |
T2(科技) |
乡村非遗旅游活态传承的价值共创机制研究 |
李江敏,王青(学),魏雨楠(学) |
2023-01-10 |
四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) |
T5(社科) |
基于贝叶斯网络的旅游虚拟社区价值共创研究 |
侯俊东,陈荣(学),庄小丽,杨迪(外),程仕菊(学),陈英皞(外) |
2023-01-12 |
数学的实践与认识 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
超特大城市安全事件应对能力提升路径 |
侯俊东,郭海湘,王启渊(学) |
2023-01-12 |
新华社政务智库报告 |
重要报刊理论版 |
Make chatbots more adaptive: Dual pathways linking human-like cues and tailored response to trust in interactions with chatbots |
江毅,杨祥程(学),郑天琦(学) |
2023-01-18 |
Computers In Human Behavior |
T1(社科) |
Impact of Environmental Regulation on Carbon Emissions in Countries along the Belt and Road |
吴磊,朱晨高(学),宋新昊(学),贺俊歌(学) |
2023-01-25 |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
T2(科技),T2(社科) |
生产性服务业集聚对碳排放效率的影响——基于长江经济带108个城市企业数据的分析 |
及添正(学),邓宏兵,张天铃(学) |
2023-01-25 |
资源科学 |
T5(科技),T3(社科) |
How does Chinese-style fiscal decentralization affect green technology innovation? |
易明,管彦钰(学),吴婷,闻乐(外),雷亚明(外) |
2023-01-30 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
Landslide susceptibility evaluation based on active deformation and graph convolutional network algorithm |
王贤敏,郭海湘 |
2023-01-30 |
Frontiers In Earth Science |
著名期刊 |
The influences of the characteristics of opinion leaders on consumer purchase intention in a mobile e-commerce webcast context |
王萍,陈文(外) |
2023-01-31 |
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations |
T4(科技) |
Critical mineral sustainable supply: Challenges and governance |
窦世权,徐德义,朱永光,Keenan, R(外) |
2023-02-01 |
Futures |
T1(社科) |
建筑业碳排放效率的空间溢出效应研究 |
孙涵,苑子義(学) |
2023-02-01 |
工程管理学报 |
T5(科技) |
质量保证机制如何影响体验品电商平台在线销量: 互补作用与时间效应 |
朱镇,刘琪(学),姚甜甜(学),林飞燕(外) |
2023-02-01 |
管理评论 |
T5(科技),T4(社科) |
非退市条件下更新产品扩散的投放时间与种子优化研究 |
翁克瑞,周静(学) |
2023-02-01 |
中国管理科学 |
T5(科技),T3(社科) |
中国碳生产率动态演进规律与驱动因素研究 |
光峰涛,李琳,洪水峰 |
2023-02-03 |
软科学 |
T5(社科) |
Public attitudes toward the whole life cycle management of plastics: A text-mining study in China |
孙莹(学),王德运,李小水,陈奕青(学),郭海湘 |
2023-02-10 |
Science Of The Total Environment |
T2(科技) |
怎样依托新媒体开展思政微创新 |
曹献秋 |
2023-02-13 |
中国教育报 |
重要报刊理论版 |
How do imports change the energy consumption of China? An analysis of its role in intermediate inputs and final demands |
孙亚方,於世为,张跃军(外),Su Bin(外) |
2023-02-14 |
Energy |
T1(科技) |
The effectiveness of traffic and production restrictions on urban air quality: a rare opportunity for investigation |
陈奕青(学),王德运,Adnen ElAmraoui(外),柯小玲 |
2023-02-14 |
Journal Of The Air & Waste Management Association |
T3(科技) |
环境保护费改税对企业财务绩效的影响——绿色技术创新的调节效应 |
马莉丽 |
2023-02-15 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
ESG表现能否约束真实盈余管理行为?——来自中国上市公司的经验数据 |
屈文彬,何博语(学) |
2023-02-15 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
基于改进现金流量模型的铜矿资源开发可供性分析 |
王然,黎燕 |
2023-02-15 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
基于网络文本分析的武汉精致露营旅游体验研究 |
柴海燕,杨雨哲(学) |
2023-02-15 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
技术进步对关键矿产供应影响的实证研究——以镍为例 |
孙涵,孟正豪(学),成金华 |
2023-02-15 |
华中师范大学学报自然科学版 |
T5(科技) |
总体国家安全观下关键矿产资源安全治理的国家逻辑 |
吴巧生,周娜,成金华 |
2023-02-15 |
华中师范大学学报自然科学版 |
T5(科技) |
要素禀赋、制度距离与中国对外矿业投资区位选择 |
洪水峰,邓雅婷(学) |
2023-02-16 |
华中师范大学学报.自然科学版 |
T5(社科) |
Foreign direct investment, geographic condition, and their infuence on haze pollution: evidence from prefecturelevel cities in China |
吕婕 |
2023-02-17 |
Environment, Development and Sustainability |
T3(科技) |
长江经济带“双一流”建设高校科技成果转化效率测度及影响因素 |
杨树旺,谭芳玲(学),李琳 |
2023-02-20 |
科技管理研究 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
Conceptualization and measurement of water inclusive sustainability of China’s cities in Yangtze River Economic Belt |
高思宇,熊秦怡,余敬 |
2023-02-21 |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
T3(科技) |
Research on the Effect and Mechanism of the Opening of High-Speed Rail on City-Level Air Quality |
孟霞 |
2023-02-23 |
Polish Journal Of Environmental Studies |
T4(科技) |
长江经济带城市功能联系网络及其协调发展空间效应研究 |
白永亮,康振楠(学) |
2023-02-27 |
重庆大学学报(社会科学版) |
T5(社科) |
生计恢复力视角下旅游地农户返贫风险评估与因素识别 |
李会琴,潘婧妍(学),侯林春,黄珂 |
2023-02-28 |
干旱区资源与环境 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
Effect of integration capabilities with channel distributors on supply chain agility in emerging markets: an institution-based view perspective |
朱镇,XinlinTang(外) |
2023-03-01 |
J Enterp Inf Manag |
T1(社科) |
Farmers’ perception of the impact of gold mining on shrinking agricultural land and their livelihood in the Asutifi-North District |
Stephanie Worlanyo Adator,吴巧生,Munkaila Lambongang(外),Samuel Leumas Otoo(外),Chukwunonso Philip Bosah(学),Kwaku Ohene Nimako(外) |
2023-03-01 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
制造业空间网络资源配置的高维架构与溢出效应 |
赵春晓(学) |
2023-03-01 |
北京理工大学学报(社会科学版) |
T4(社科) |
知识产权质押融资价值评估研究综述 |
徐翔 |
2023-03-01 |
中国资产评估 |
T4 |
元宇宙背景下的数字交通新模式 |
赵光辉(外),张琦,金波(外) |
2023-03-03 |
物流技术 |
一般期刊 |
How does heterogeneous environmental regulation affect net carbon emissions: Spatial and threshold analysis for China |
黄晓玲(学),田鹏 |
2023-03-15 |
Journal Of Environmental Management |
T2(科技) |
新时代区域协调发展与共同富裕—2022年中国区域经济学会年会综述 |
郑坤(学),邓宏兵,易明 |
2023-03-15 |
区域经济评论 |
T5(社科) |
统筹推进气候变化减缓与适应 |
吴巧生,吴霜(学),周娜 |
2023-03-17 |
中国社会科学院内部文稿 |
著名权威期刊 |
Understanding land for high-quality development |
金贵,Peng Jian(外),Zhang Lixiao(外),Zhang Zhengyu(学) |
2023-03-18 |
Journal Of Geographical Sciences |
T2(科技) |
构建福州都市圈创新共同体研究 |
侯俊东 |
2023-03-21 |
福州日报 |
重要报刊理论版 |
绿色信贷政策对企业环境绩效的影响 |
肖建忠,董雨萱(学) |
2023-03-21 |
江苏大学学报.社会科学版 |
T5(社科) |
Handling ecosystem service tradeoffs: the importance of the spatial scale at which noloss constraints are posed |
石咏,Alberto Tonda(外),Francesco Accatino(外) |
2023-03-22 |
Landscape Ecology |
T2(科技) |
A combinatorial model for natural gas industrial customer value portrait based on value assessment and clustering algorithm |
刘思聪(学),龚承柱,潘凯(外) |
2023-03-23 |
Frontiers in Energy Research |
T4(科技) |
A Novel Deep Learning Method for Automatic Recognition of Coseismic Landslides |
王贤敏,郭海湘 |
2023-03-23 |
Remote Sensing |
T2(科技) |
Polluting thy neighbor or benefiting thy neighbor: Effects of the clean energy development on haze pollution in China |
黄晓玲(学),田鹏 |
2023-04-01 |
Energy |
T1(科技) |
Determining the optimal operationand maintenance contract period of PVpoverty alleviation projects based on real optionsand cooperative game: Evidence from rural China |
代琦瑶(学),丁丽萍,张祖萌(学),朱羽璇(学),施引(学) |
2023-04-01 |
Journal Of Renewable And Sustainable Energy |
T4(科技) |
How does natural resource price volatility affect economic performance? |
2023-04-01 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
The evolving centres of gravity in China‘s oil and gas industry: Evidence from infrared radiation imaging gas flaring data |
彭甲超(学),文乐(外),肖建忠 |
2023-04-05 |
Energy for Sustainable Development |
T2(科技) |
Investigating price fluctuations in copper futures: Based on EEMD and Markov-switching VAR model |
苏慧(学),周娜,吴巧生,毕致玮(学),王昱力(学) |
2023-04-07 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
Asymmetric volatility spillover among global oil, gold, and Chinese sectors |
程胜,邓明婕(学),梁芮宾(学),曹妍(学) |
2023-04-14 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
Can low-carbon city construction reduce carbon intensity?Empirical evidence from low-carbon city pilot policy in China |
Zeng Shibo(学),金贵,Tan Kaiyuan(学),Liu Xuan(学) |
2023-04-15 |
Journal Of Environmental Management |
T2(科技) |
The effects of the Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 initiative: International comparisons based on generalized synthetic control method |
温阳(学),肖建忠 |
2023-04-28 |
Environmental Impact Assessment Review |
T1(社科) |
Moving beyond economic criteria: Exploring the social impact of green innovation from the stakeholder management perspective |
唐鹏程,刘璇(学),洪瑶(学),杨树旺 |
2023-05-01 |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management |
T1(社科) |
Ecological challenges in the economic recovery of resource-depleted cities in China |
窦世权,朱永光,徐德义,Amuakwa-Mensah, F(外) |
2023-05-01 |
Journal Of Environmental Management |
T2(科技) |
Can China achieve ecological sustainability? An LMDI analysis of ecological footprint and economic development decoupling |
辛美仪(学),郭海湘,李士成,陈琳霏(外) |
2023-05-08 |
Ecological Indicators |
T3(科技) |
Has the level of green finance development improved carbon |
严春晓,谭琪(学) |
2023-05-08 |
Managerial and Decision Economics(T4) |
T4(科技) |
Effect of income, industry structure and environmental regulation on the ecological impacts of mining: An analysis for Guangxi Province in China |
窦世权(学),徐德义 |
2023-05-10 |
Journal Of Cleaner Production |
T2(科技) |
债权人监督能提高企业会计信息质量吗? |
刘慧玲,李依晗(学),马晓琴(学) |
2023-05-10 |
财会通讯 |
T5(社科) |
A Study on the influence mechanism of self=sacrificial leadership on employee engagement-based on dual identity perspective |
王婷婷(学),刁凤琴 |
2023-05-11 |
E-Business WHICEB2023会议论文集 |
国际学术会议论文集 |
绿色金融促进了企业绿色技术创新吗?——来自中国绿色金融改革创新试验区的证据 |
邓九生,王一凡(学) |
2023-05-15 |
哈尔滨商业大学学报(社会科学版) |
T6 |
“双循环”背景下长江经济带节点城市的功能评价与空间组织方向 |
白永亮 |
2023-05-15 |
区域经济评论 |
T6 |
Effects of heterogeneous ICT on critical metal supply: A differentiated perspective on primary and secondary supply |
张周益(学),宋益,成金华,张亿军 |
2023-05-17 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
An adaptive large neighborhood search based approach for the vehicle routing problem with zone-based pricing |
石咏,刘文恒(外),周艳杰(外) |
2023-05-19 |
Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence |
T2(科技) |
绿色技术创新与高质量绿色发展的耦合协调与互动响应 |
王林珠,孙艺欣(学),徐德义 |
2023-05-25 |
技术经济 |
T5(社科) |
The Inflfluence of the Thematic Coherency of CSR Activities on Users’Purchase Intention on E-Commerce platforms |
彭许玉歌(学),侯俊东 |
2023-05-26 |
WHICEB 2023 |
国际学术会议论文集 |
全产业链锂产品贸易格局演化与中国地位 |
吴巧生,周娜,成金华,毕致玮(学) |
2023-05-26 |
中南大学学报(社会科学版) |
T5(社科) |
How Industrial Supportive Policies Drive the Corporation Attention Shifting: A Case Study of BYD from New Energy Vehicles Industry |
潘彦锟(学),叶美莲(学),朱镇,於世为 |
2023-05-30 |
22th Wuhan International Conference on E-business |
国际学术会议论文集 |
Research on the mechanism of selective industrial policies on enterprises' innovation performance ——Evidence from China's photovoltaic industry |
陈艳,纪雅星(学),陈睿(学) |
2023-05-31 |
Renewable Energy |
T2(科技),T2(社科) |
Asymmetric linkage between copper-cobalt productions and economic growth: Evidence from Republic Democratic of Congo |
Jean Pierre Namahoro(学),吴巧生,苏慧(学) |
2023-06-01 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
基于机器视觉的施工现场安全隐患识别应用研究 |
肖天龙(学),宫培松,郭聖煜,易虹妍(学) |
2023-06-01 |
工程管理学报 |
T5(科技) |
汛期已至,次生水污染危害不容忽视 |
柯小玲,郭海湘,赵建华(外) |
2023-06-01 |
新华社《政务智库报告·突发事件管理月报》 |
报刊文章,重要报刊理论版 |
起重吊装风险协同感知智能装备研发与应用 |
张淦(学),郭聖煜 |
2023-06-01 |
中国安全科学学报 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
神农架林区生态旅游与农村可持续生计耦合协调特征与影响因素研究 |
李江敏,杨赞(学),黎鑫薇(学),魏雨楠(学),郝婧男(学) |
2023-06-01 |
中国生态旅游与绿色发展报告 |
T6 |
Agricultural production efficiency estimation and spatiotemporal convergence characteristic analysis in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: A semi-parametric metafrontier approach |
Guo Baish(学),He Dawei(外),金贵 |
2023-06-03 |
Land Degradation & Development |
T1(科技) |
旅游业与城市人居环境 协调发展及影响因素研究 ——基于省会城市的面板数据 |
刘金萍(学),刘晶晶,任兰心(学),黄悦(学),韦唯(学),李会琴 |
2023-06-06 |
国土与自然资源研究 |
T6 |
Near real-time spatial prediction of earthquake-induced landslides: A novel interpretable self-supervised learning method |
王贤敏,郭海湘 |
2023-06-07 |
International Journal of Digital Earth |
T2(科技) |
何晨琛,刘轩(学),毕佳慧(学),王晓华(学),李嘉欣(学) |
2023-06-07 |
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management |
T3(科技) |
Study on the spatial characteristics of the digital economy on urban |
王林珠,孙艺欣(学),徐德义 |
2023-06-09 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
Fast-charging station location problem: A two-phase approach with mathematical program with equilibrium constraints considering charging choice behaviour |
乔栋(学),王广民 |
2023-06-09 |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
T3(科技) |
湖北省乡村旅游高质量发展的时空差异及演化特征研究 |
李江敏,魏雨楠(学),郝婧男(学),张佳泋(学) |
2023-06-09 |
华中师范大学学报.自然科学版 |
T5(社科) |
ESG评级能否促进企业绿色转型? |
严春晓,李雅薇(外),朱迪星(外) |
2023-06-10 |
当代金融研究 |
T6 |
Hazard assessment of rainstorm-geohazard disaster chain based on multiple scenarios |
王启渊(学),侯俊东 |
2023-06-11 |
Natural Hazards |
T3(科技) |
Achieving synergy between carbon mitigation and pollution reduction: Does green finance matter? |
He Nianci(学),Zeng Shibo(学),金贵 |
2023-06-13 |
Journal Of Environmental Management |
T2(科技) |
Alternative operational modes for Chinese PV poverty alleviation power stations: Economic impacts on stakeholders |
丁丽萍,张祖萌(学),代琦瑶(学),朱羽璇(学),施引(学) |
2023-06-15 |
Utilities Policy |
T4(科技) |
关键金属矿产全球供应面临的挑战及对策_ |
孙涵,王箫鳕(学) |
2023-06-19 |
中国矿业报 |
报刊文章,重要报刊理论版 |
经济内循环发展水平的空间差异与动态演进 |
光峰涛,卢晓丹(学) |
2023-06-21 |
统计与决策 |
T5(社科) |
Green fnance, the lowcarbon energy transition, and environmental pollution: evidence from China |
白永亮(学),白永亮 |
2023-06-22 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
The effect of supply chain learning on corporate sustainability performance |
孙静柯(学),谢雄标,Yangyan Shi(外) |
2023-06-22 |
International Journal Of Logistics: Research And Applications |
著名期刊 |
Understanding the nexus between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and financial performance: evidence from Chinese-listed companies |
周荣(学),侯俊东,丁斐(外) |
2023-06-25 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
Technological change in critical metallic mineral sub-sectors and its impacts on mineral supply: Evidence from China |
宋益,阮晟哲(学),成金华,张亿军 |
2023-06-29 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
ESG表现对企业高质量发展的影响研究 |
王琳,方园(学),汪长英 |
2023-06-29 |
会计之友 |
T5(社科) |
中国与“一带一路”国家能源合作的经济效应研究 |
肖雨彤(学),陈军,肖建忠 |
2023-06-29 |
云南财经大学学报 |
T5(社科) |
城市强降雨致涝风险评估与区划研究——以武汉市为例 |
王德运,吴祈(学),张露丹(学),郭海湘,柯小玲 |
2023-06-29 |
灾害学 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
The Influence of Industrial Robot Application on the Employment of the Manufacturing Industry in China |
邵红梅,胡红亮(学),刘杏妮(学),张令(学) |
2023-06-30 |
2023 IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS) |
国际学术会议论文集 |
长江经济带大气污染非对称性研究 |
张康康(学),徐德义,朱永光,孙涵 |
2023-06-30 |
环境经济研究 |
T4(科技) |
机构投资者持股与企业绿色创新——基于动力和路径的双重视角 |
严春晓,陆铭杰(外),朱迪星(外) |
2023-06-30 |
环境经济研究T4 |
T4(科技) |
健全协同机制保障关键金属供应安全 |
孙涵,王箫鳕(学),成金华,孟正豪(学) |
2023-06-30 |
中国自然资源报 |
报刊文章,重要报刊理论版 |
Assessing China's synergistic governance of emission reduction between pollutants and CO2 |
易明,管彦钰(学),吴婷,闻乐(外),生明月(外) |
2023-07-07 |
Environmental Impact Assessment Review |
T1(社科) |
Subsidy policy selection for shore power promotion: Subsidizing facility investment or price of shore power? |
彭亚婷,王亚东(外),李志纯(外),盛典(外) |
2023-07-07 |
Transport Policy |
T1(社科) |
How to drive green innovation of manufacturing SMEs under open innovation networks - the role of innovation platforms' relational governance |
孙静柯(学),谢雄标,周敏,严良 |
2023-07-10 |
Management Decision |
T2 |
How does the opening of China’s highspeed rail afect the spatial |
赵春晓(学),白永亮,郭丹霞(学) |
2023-07-12 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
A mathematical method for solving multi-depot vehicle routing problem |
万芳(学),郭海湘,潘雯雯(学),侯俊东 |
2023-07-24 |
Soft Computing |
T3(科技) |
央行担保品扩容政策的绿色效应研究——锦上添花还是雪中送炭? |
严春晓,张谨学(学),朱迪星(外) |
2023-07-25 |
金融发展评论 |
T6 |
中国电力技术创新时空分异及其来源 |
光峰涛,李琳,卢晓丹(学) |
2023-07-25 |
资源科学 |
T5(科技),T3(社科) |
What is the path of photovoltaic building (BIPV or BAPV) promotion? --The perspective of evolutionary games |
丁丽萍,朱羽璇(学),郑龙威(学),代琦瑶(学),张祖萌(学) |
2023-07-27 |
Applied Energy |
著名期刊 |
What impact does the new urbanization in China’s Yangtze River economic belt have on the ecological environment? |
柯小玲,闵园园(学),郭海湘,王德运,Amal Mougharbel(外) |
2023-08-01 |
Environment Development And Sustainability |
T3(科技) |
Determining the optimal operation and maintenance contract period of PV poverty |
丁丽萍 |
2023-08-01 |
Journal Of Renewable And Sustainable Energy |
T4(科技) |
数据驱动下参建主体在脚手架事故中的作用关系 |
石瑾怡(学),郭聖煜 |
2023-08-01 |
土木工程与管理学报 |
T5(科技) |
区域土地用途转换的土地资源碳储量研究 |
张雄(外),毛星月(外),柯 珂(外),黄珂 |
2023-08-01 |
中国人口·资源与环境 |
T5(科技),T3(社科) |
Flood risk assessment of Wuhan, China, using a multicriteria analysis model with the improved AHPEntropy method |
陈奕青(学),王德运,张露丹(学),郭海湘,马俊伟,高伟 |
2023-08-10 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
资源拼凑研究综述及未来展望 |
段晓红,胡泽权(学),李琪(外) |
2023-08-15 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
基于机器学习算法的洪涝灾害风险评估-以宜昌市为例 |
王德运,张露丹(学),吴祈(学),郭海湘,柯小玲,吕新彪 |
2023-08-15 |
长江流域资源与环境 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
Multiple timescales analyses of nickel futures and spot markets |
洪水峰,李梦亚(学),罗伊敏(学) |
2023-08-16 |
Mineral Economics |
T3 |
Global supply sustainability assessment of critical metals for clean energy technology |
孙涵,孟正豪(学) |
2023-08-16 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
Empty talk or real action? Exploring how local government’s attention to the environment affects urban land use efficiency |
He Nianci(学),Zhang Zhengyu(学),金贵 |
2023-08-18 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
Incentives for local government expenditures on people’s livelihood: the role of high-speed rail |
孟霞 |
2023-08-23 |
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences |
T3(科技),T2(社科) |
Optimization for vaccination demand allocation and distribution routes in pandemics based on a hierarchy decision model |
郭海湘,高丽娟(学),石咏,吴阳,王雷(外),张文凯(外) |
2023-08-25 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering |
T3(科技) |
Optimizing energy efficiency investments in steel firms: A real options model considering carbon trading and tax cuts during challenging economic conditions |
周远祺,杨金强(外),贾智杰(外) |
2023-08-25 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
生产性服务业集聚与制造业生产率提升空间联系的机理再识别与效应新发现:从互动见融合 |
赵春晓(学),白永亮 |
2023-08-25 |
河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版) |
T4(社科) |
How are newcomer proactive behaviors received by leaders and peers? A relational perspective(FT50) |
郭锐 |
2023-08-27 |
Journal Of Applied Psychology |
T1(社科) |
The dark side effects of CEO general managerial skills on corporate overinvestment |
陈漫,刘思(外),王峰(外),郭锐 |
2023-08-31 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Management |
T2(社科) |
Exploring the impacts of mobile devices usage on individual’s creativity: a cross-cultural perspective |
Shangui Hu(外),Fengle Ji(外),Hefu Liu(外),池毛毛 |
2023-08-31 |
International Journal of Mobile Communications |
T4(科技) |
How economic policy uncertainty affects asymmetric spillovers in food and oil prices: Evidence from wavelet analysis |
程胜,曹妍(学),李欣然(学) |
2023-08-31 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
基于觅食式教学“四维三融”一流课程教学设计 |
余敬,高思宇 |
2023-08-31 |
当代教育实践与教学研究 |
一般期刊 |
差异化发展模式下乡村旅游地返贫风险评估及阻断路径研究 |
李会琴,潘婧妍(学),张婷(学),候玉洁(学),惠余杰(学) |
2023-08-31 |
地理科学进展 |
T5(科技),T4(社科) |
北部湾城市群旅游经济联系空间结构演变及优化研究 |
李会琴 |
2023-08-31 |
热带地理 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
Dynamic prognostic interaction between social development and energy consumption optimization: Evidence from european union member countries |
Khizar Abbas(学),Khalid Manzoor Butt(外),徐德义,Khan Baz(学),Muhammad Sheraz(学),Sanwal Hussain Kharl(外) |
2023-09-01 |
Energy |
T1(科技) |
提升国家创新体系整体效能研究 |
邓宏兵,李世冉(外) |
2023-09-01 |
成都理工大学学报社会科学版 |
T6 |
基于路径对抗的确定性谣言干预问题研究 |
熊澳(学),翁克瑞,郭海湘,沈卉(学) |
2023-09-01 |
系统工程理论与实践 |
T5(科技),T3(社科) |
为民族村寨筑起“防火墙” 既留住特色又保住安全 |
柯小玲,郭海湘,唐磊(外) |
2023-09-01 |
新华社《政务智库报告·突发事件管理月报》 |
报刊文章,重要报刊理论版 |
城市洪涝风险的多方法组合评估与应用 |
王德运,冀承泽(学),张露丹(学),吴祈(学),郭海湘 |
2023-09-01 |
灾害学 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
中国铜资源产业链供应链韧性评价 |
朱永光,张伍丰(学),王迪(学),窦世权,徐德义 |
2023-09-01 |
资源科学 |
T5(科技),T3(社科) |
Territorial spatial zoning based on suitability evaluation and its impact on ecosystem services in Ezhou city |
NIU Jinye(学),金贵,ZHANG Lei(外) |
2023-09-05 |
Journal Of Geographical Sciences |
T2(科技) |
Study of the impact of digitization on the carbon emission intensity of agricultural production in China |
林巧文 |
2023-09-05 |
Science Of The Total Environment |
T2(科技) |
IT资源对企业绩效的贡献何以消失 ———信息技术进步的作用 |
王开明,刘慧玲 |
2023-09-05 |
永利集团88304官网学报(社会科学版) |
T4(社科) |
在线公益平台情境下用户连接何以形成——基于过程视角的实证研究 |
侯俊东,王敏(学) |
2023-09-07 |
暨南学报(哲学社会科学版) |
T5(社科) |
Symbol or substance? Environmental regulations and corporate environmental actions decoupling |
唐鹏程,王超(学),江奇胜,刘璇(学),王君予(学) |
2023-09-09 |
Journal Of Environmental Management |
T2(科技) |
The race to net-zero emissions: Can green technological innovation and environmental regulation be the potential pathway to net-zero emissions? |
徐德义,SHAH ABBAS,Kalsoom Rafique(外),Najabat Ali(外) |
2023-09-09 |
Technology in Society |
T4(科技) |
Can digital inclusive finance promote agricultural green development? |
张伟,黄民(学) |
2023-09-11 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
Technological Innovation, Urban Spatial Structure, and Haze Pollution: Empirical Evidence from the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Urban Agglomeration |
张尧 |
2023-09-12 |
Energies |
T2(科技) |
Impact of regional energy allocation distortion on carbon emission efficiency: Evidence from China |
光峰涛,邓雅婷(学),Wen Le(外),Basil Sharp(外),洪水峰 |
2023-09-15 |
Journal Of Environmental Management |
T2(科技) |
可再生能源多系统耦合协调及驱动因素研究 |
谭云霞(学),李雪松(外),余敬 |
2023-09-15 |
南京社会科学 |
T2 |
Urbanization and the Emerging Water Crisis: Identifying Water Scarcity and Environmental Risk with Multiple Applications in Urban Agglomerations in Western China |
吴才敏(学),刘伟(外),邓宏兵 |
2023-09-17 |
Sustainability |
T4(科技),T3(社科) |
Research on the university-enterprise joint training mode of master of applied Statistics major—Based on the Perspective of "Synergistic Effect" |
王林珠,罗国平 |
2023-09-20 |
International Journal of New Developments in Education |
T6 |
Co-movements between heterogeneous crude oil and food markets: Does temperature change really matter_ |
程胜,曹妍(学) |
2023-09-25 |
Research In International Business And Finance |
T2(科技),T2(社科) |
关键矿产供应风险评估与预测——以铜资源为例 |
成金华,帅竞,赵雨佳(学),段浩然(学) |
2023-09-25 |
资源科学 |
T5(科技),T3(社科) |
基于社会力模型的煤矿井下分区域应急疏散优化研究 |
郭海湘,卢仪帆(学),李旭泽(外),侯建军(外),彭锟(外) |
2023-09-28 |
安全与环境工程 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
基于复合系统视角,首次将“技术扩散”和“市场”纳入可再生能源复合系统,运用耦合协调度法构建“可再生能源技术扩散、市场、环境” 多系统耦合协调模型,解析我国风能、太阳能和生物质能聚集区2011-2022年系统耦合协调水平空间异质性及其根本驱动因素。 |
谭云霞(学),李雪松(外),余敬 |
2023-09-30 |
南京社会科学 |
T2 |
Poison or remedy? Masculinity in a pathos-based sustainable brand story |
马海燕 |
2023-10-02 |
Asia Pac J Market Lo |
T4(社科) |
Should energy efficiency be improved? the impact of energy efficiency improvements on green economic growth—evidence from China |
吴磊,朱晨高(学),程梦璇(学),戴文(学),王国念 |
2023-10-02 |
Frontiers in Energy Research |
T4(科技) |
Potential changes of regional natural gas market in China amidst liberalization: A mixed complementarity equilibrium simulation in 2030 |
贾维东(学),龚承柱,於世为 |
2023-10-03 |
Energy |
T1(科技) |
impacts of environmental regulation and energy misallocation on energy environmental efciency |
洪水峰,邓雅婷(学) |
2023-10-07 |
Environment Development And Sustainability |
T3(科技) |
Technological Innovation, Urban Spatial Structure, and Haze Pollution: Empirical Evidence from the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Urban Agglomeration |
刘恺雯(学),邓宏兵,吴婷 |
2023-10-10 |
Energies |
T3(科技) |
Estimating water pollution and economic cost embodied in the mining industry: An interprovincial analysis in China |
孙涵,胡雪原(学) |
2023-10-12 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
Does scientific and technological innovation promote regional coordination of socio economy, environment, and energy? Evidence from quantitative research in China |
张祖萌(学),丁丽萍,朱羽璇(学),施引(学),代琦瑶(学) |
2023-10-14 |
Quality & Quantity |
T4(科技),T3(社科) |
经济政策不确定性的科学知识图谱 |
李斌,宁新宇(外),吉仕红 |
2023-10-15 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
环境规制背景下环保税对重污染企业环保投资的影响研究 |
陶岚 |
2023-10-15 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
中国稀土供给安全政策体系演变及政策效果评估 |
吴巧生,苏慧(学),张亚新(学),成金华,周娜 |
2023-10-23 |
永利集团88304官网学报(社会科学版) |
T4(社科) |
Competition intensity of energy flow among Chinese sectors from a two-mode network perspective |
安鹏丽 |
2023-10-27 |
Energy |
T1(科技) |
All roads lead to Rome? Carbon emissions, pollutant emissions and local officials’ political promotion in China |
江奇胜,唐鹏程 |
2023-10-31 |
Energy Policy |
T1(科技),T1(社科) |
Can digital financial inclusion facilitate renewable energy consumption? |
2023-11-01 |
Energy and Environment |
T4(科技) |
Fostering environmental sustainability: An analysis of green investment and digital financial inclusion in China |
2023-11-01 |
Gondwana Research |
T2(科技) |
Moving towards sustainable environment development in emerging economies |
Muhammad Anas(学),张伟 |
2023-11-01 |
Sustainable Development |
T1(社科) |
Transition towards environmental sustainability through financial inclusion, and digitalization in China |
2023-11-01 |
Technological Forecasting & Social Change |
著名权威期刊 |
Does multi-goal policy affect agricultural land efficiency? A quasi-natural experiment based on the natural resource conservation and intensification pilot scheme |
Guo Baishu(学),Chen Kunlun,金贵 |
2023-11-02 |
Applied Geography |
T1(社科) |
Digital transformation and metal enterprise value: Evidence from China |
张亿军,孟真真(学),宋益 |
2023-11-02 |
Resources Policy |
T1(社科) |
Coordinated design of multi-stakeholder community energy systems and shared energy storage under uncertain supply and demand: A game theoretical approach |
李龙锡,彭可群(学),杨小慧(学),刘柯(学) |
2023-11-02 |
Sustainable Cities and Society |
T3(科技) |
What drives mobile game stickiness and in-game purchase intention? based on the uses and gratifications theory |
池毛毛,Yunran Wang(外),马海燕,周敏 |
2023-11-05 |
International Journal of Mobile Communications |
T4(科技) |
Beyond environmental actions: How environmental regulations stimulate strategic-political CSR engagement in China? |
唐鹏程,江奇胜,王超(学) |
2023-11-07 |
Energy Economics |
T1(社科) |
The geography of social media platform attention for tourist attractions |
李会琴,潘婧妍(学),惠余杰(学),刘晶晶,Peter Nijkamp(外) |
2023-11-10 |
Eastern Journal of European Studies |
T6 |
技术并购对企业创新绩效的影响研究--基于高管团队社会资本调节效应的分析 |
李斌,宁新宇(学),郑运慧(学) |
2023-11-13 |
商业会计 |
T6 |
课程思政视角下《质量管理》(双语)教学资源的建设研究 |
熊英,张尧 |
2023-11-24 |
教育科学 |
T5(社科) |
Hybridized gated recurrent unit with variational mode decomposition and an error compensation mechanism for multistepahead monthly rainfall forecasting |
王德运,任逸霏(学),杨延晨(学),郭海湘 |
2023-12-01 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
T2(科技) |
冬季火灾频发,生产企业需提高自防自救能力 |
柯小玲,郭海湘,侯俊东,王晨曦(外) |
2023-12-01 |
新华社《政务智库报告·突发事件管理月报》 |
报刊文章,重要报刊理论版 |
湖北省循环经济与绿色金融协调发展研究 |
徐翔 |
2023-12-01 |
长江流域资源与环境 |
T5(科技),T5(社科) |
Automated Machine Learning-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China |
马俊伟,郭海湘 |
2023-12-04 |
Mathematical Geosciences |
T2(科技) |
管理层能力、创新效率与企业社会责任----以我国A股上市公司为例 |
李斌,阳柳(学),闫凌山(学) |
2023-12-13 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
长江经济带矿业城市水生态环境质量影响机制研究 |
王然,唐亚萌(学),姜久华 |
2023-12-15 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
良好的ESG表现能够降低企业股价崩盘风险吗? |
邓九生,焦睿聪(学),覃宇(学) |
2023-12-15 |
国土资源科技管理 |
T5(科技) |
Cultivated Land Green Use Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors: A Case Study of 39 Cities in the Yangtze River Basin of China |
林巧文 |
2023-12-19 |
Sustanability |
著名期刊 |
How does digital economy development affect renewable energy innovation? |
易佳慧(学),戴胜(外),李琳,成金华 |
2023-12-21 |
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews |
T4(科技) |
Industrial agglomeration and PM2.5 pollution in Yangtze River Economic Belt in China: non-linear estimation and mechanism analysis |
李琳,夏哲希(学),易佳慧(学),齐睿,成金华 |
2023-12-26 |
Frontiers in Environmental Science |
一般期刊 |
The influence of individual authenticity experience on tourists’ behavioral intentions: the chain mediating role of place dependence and place identity |
刘晶晶,苏亚慧(学),任兰心(学) |
2023-12-27 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research |
T3(社科) |